RUNS FROM APRIL 1- 16 An exclusive discount for NWSA Members only! Take advantage of this early-bird opportunity get the workshops you want AND get $50 OFF the regular Conference Pass cost. This opportunity will be available from April 1 – April 16 (midnight)...
LATEST TAKE THE HELM ISSUE FEB/MARCH 2023 Conference website is LIVE! National Women’s Sailing Conference website is LIVE for browsing. Check back — session updates are still being made for the June 3 event at Sail...
It’s Award Season The Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award nominations close February 1. There’s still time to nominate your sailing hero for the Award, but don’t dally. The honor cosponsored by NWSA and BoatUS has been bestowed upon sailors exhibiting...
View this email in your browser Framework for 2023 National Women’s Sailing Conference at the Sail Newport, Saturday June 3, 2023 from 8 am – 5 pm. The event welcomes women sailors of all levels and ages to workshops including the popular Take the Helm...
Monday, November 7 2022 Adventure sailor Jeannie Zortman and lifelong cruiser, liveaboard and author, Rebecca Stirling are our special “Cruise” guests for an evening of story telling hosted by Debbie Hunstman. Jeannie shares her voyage to the far North on...
AdventureSail programming served many happy girls so far this year. Racine and Boston’s Courageous Sailing Center, both long-standing program hosts, kicked off the East Coast sailing season fun by hosting 41 girls. Later, in the first two weeks of August alone, 100...
Hosted by: Anne Bryant Storytellers: Daisy, Allyson and Stephanie Our young guests all have been grateful recipients of scholarships from raised donations of either the NWSA, The Butterfly Effect Project or Mattituk Yacht Club. If you would like to help the next...
Newland holds the fastest woman, singlehanded San Francisco-to-Japan record and has sailed and raced extensively on the West Coast. She is a two-time, 2,025-mile Los Angeles-to-Honolulu Transpac competitor as well as a Pacific Cup veteran. In the 1997 Transpac aboard...
On February 10, 2022 at the National Sailing Programs Symposium, in cooperation with US Sailing, WSF board member Capt. Marie Rogers presented “A Diversity Toolkit: Let’s All Go Sailing”. In this presentation, Rogers investigates reasons sailing...
In celebration of Black History Month 2022, NWSA hosted 3 inspirational sailors with stories both personal and eye-opening. Thank you to Marie rogers, Wanda Robertson and Pam Rice for sharing your stories with this month’s theme “Wake”. Sign-up to...
Part of NWSA She Sailor Sea Story, recorded February 2022 with Captain Bill Pinkney and Pamela Rice “Sailing Commitment, Around the World with Captain Bill” is a new sailing book for young readers. It is a charming colaborative effort by two NWSA members;...
HELP WANTED! Secretary on our Board of Directors! As a member of the Board of Directors, the secretary for Women’s Sailing Foundation / National Women’s Sailing Association has wide-ranging responsibilities. If you have good organization skills, the time required...
Congratulations and thank you to all the AdventureSail hosts, skippers, supported and volunteers. Outdoor in-person activities for young people were complicated or even cancelled this summer due to the COVID 19 Delta variant. Yet where conditions allowed,...
The basics of anchoring, shown in an unusual way, to make it easy to see and understand how it all works. Premered at the Chicago NWSA conference on Septemeber 11, 2021.
Enjoy the award ceremony for CAPT. Marie Rogers at Jackson Park Yacht Club on September 11, 2021 as recipient of the BoatUS / NWSA Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award. Although the Delta Variant of Covid 19 kept the in-person audience small, it was good fortune...
Picking your best boat is like picking a partner. There is a lot to consider and mistakes can be painful. On the other hand, a good choice can bring the owner great rewards. Speakers: Gail McCarthy Turluck and Captain Chiaka Patterson
We all love our beautiful oceans, lakes and ponds and the amazing critters that inhabit them. Learn from a trio of professionals practical ways all of us can help protect and preserve the beauty and abundance found in our oceans. Speakers: Captain Rachael Zoe Miller,...
Part One Enjoy a conversation with NWSA founder Doris Colgate, Margaret Pommert, Marie Rogers, Lynda Stephens and Debbie Huntsman as they discuss reasons behind their desire to share the joys of sailing. Part one of two from the 2021 National Women’s Sailing...
Windy City hosts Women’s Sailing Conference Sharing Sailing was not only the theme for the 21st annual National Women’s Sailing Association (NWSA) Conference on September 11th, it was the purpose of the event. Held at the “Friendliest Yacht Club in...
NWSA is seeking women active in sailing, with an established sailing network, varied skills and creative thinking. We need women who are eager to do the work of our national non-profit focused on improving the lives of women and girls through sailing. If you...
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