We wish WSF / NWSA director Marie Rogers and her crew on Good Trouble a safe and speedy crossing for the TransPac. On June 29 the crew of Good Trouble, an Alan Andrews-designed 56-foot sailboat, will hear the starting gun for this year’s Transpac 2,200-mile romp to...
Congratulations to Dr. Anne Kolker for being selected as the 2023 Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award honoree. NWSA and BoatUS announced and presented the Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award to Anne Kolker at the June 3rd National Sailing Conference in Sail Newport in...
View this email in your browser 2023 National Women’s Sailing Conference News Excitement has been building for the 2023 National Women’s Sailing Association Conference on June 3, at Sail Newport in Rhode Island. The workshops and the women...
RUNS FROM APRIL 1- 16 An exclusive discount for NWSA Members only! Take advantage of this early-bird opportunity get the workshops you want AND get $50 OFF the regular Conference Pass cost. This opportunity will be available from April 1 – April 16 (midnight)...
It’s Award Season The Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award nominations close February 1. There’s still time to nominate your sailing hero for the Award, but don’t dally. The honor cosponsored by NWSA and BoatUS has been bestowed upon sailors exhibiting...
Monday, November 7 2022 Adventure sailor Jeannie Zortman and lifelong cruiser, liveaboard and author, Rebecca Stirling are our special “Cruise” guests for an evening of story telling hosted by Debbie Hunstman. Jeannie shares her voyage to the far North on...
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