In 2014, Tracy Edwards discovered that Maiden was abandoned in poor condition in a marina in the Indian Ocean.[10] She launched a successful public bid for funding to save the boat, with the intent to re-enact its Whitbread run before putting it in charitable use and...
Congratulations to the 2020 honoree, Margaret Pommert BoatUS/NWSA Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award Margaret Pommert of Seattle, WA, was named the 2020 BoatUS/National Women’s Sailing Association (NWSA) Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award recipient. The award...
May 20,2020 — Looking Up Robyn Lesh went sailing for the first time when she was six days old and never stopped. A wide variety of sailing experiences propelled Robyn to join the design team for American Magic. In her story, she retells a childhood sail with her...
May 20, 2020 — Looking Up Looking aloft at a jammed halyard, and around at crew each unwilling to be hauled up, Ava Mandeville volunteers. She goes aloft so for the sake of her shipmates. She doesn’t clear the jam or overcome her fear, but she feels proud she tried...
May 20, 2020 — Looking Up Janna Cawrse Esarey and the crew find themselves looking up, depending on a drone for help while they seek escape from closing ice during an attempt to reach the Atlantic from the Inside Passage....
May 20 — Looking Up Haley Lhamon finds reason to look up during a summer cruise with her family in Haida Gwaii, British Columbia: the towering cedars, the Milky Way, her tall son and the sea plane that takes him away....
May 6 — Captain, My Captain Marlene Sassaman’s sailing avocation began in 1980 with the purchase of a brand new Hobie 18. Just three years later, she competed with Cindy Deans in the first Hobie 16 Women’s National Championship. Sassaman was self-taught with the...
Susan Epstein, a native of Boston, MA, sailed and raced on the waters of Massachusetts Bay since she was six years old. She shares her long sailing journey of knocking out glass ceilings, again and again, by using her fast moving mast. Susan is also a former member of...
Marina Martin Tretton’s boat is hauled for a do-it-yourself bottom job, that becomes literal. She is totally on her own when the Covid19 social distancing goes into effect. When she finds herself doing the big job alone, she is worried she will “screw...
Capt. Nancy Erley, Port Townsend, WA, is an ever popular presenter at the NWSA Women’s Sailing Conference in Marblehead, Gail Hine’s Sailing Convention for Women, as well as other women’s sailing workshops. She is natural teacher who enthusiastically...
Live aboard sailor, Laura Howell, tells the April 29 winning She Sailor Sea Story, a tribite to her anchor: strong, reliable and a replacement for the...
A new outboard mount and insufficient tongue weight combine to push Deedy Payne’s new boat into a violent fishtail. The pitfalls of trailering lead to a charter and a new boat in a...
Linda Newland, NWSA board member, tells her Alone, She Sailor Sea Story. During a solo race from San Francisco to Japan her stopping boat woke her from a nap in the cockpit. She was startled to see a black void in the otherwise starry...
Our very first She Sailor Sea Storyteller, Margaret Pommert, has been leading the Seattle Sailing Women’s Program since 2013, with monthly sails introducing a wide variety of boats, destinations, and fun adventures. She leads flotillas to the San Juans and...
On April 3, to get an on-line toe hold and to learn about producing an on-line expo–with no regard for how that magic would happen–I announced the first NWSA on-line event: the premiere of the She Sailor Sea Story series, “Alone” would be on April...
Corinthian Yacht Club – Marblehead, Massachusetts – June 4, 2011 A Passion for Sailing! When Women Take the Helm. By Doris Colgate Founder of the National Women’s Sailing Association I’m honored to be here tonight with so many talented sailors. Thank you Joan, the...
18th NWSA Women’s Sailing Conference A day of workshops and on-the-water instructionCorinthian Yacht Club — Marblehead, MASaturday, June 1, 2019 Join other women sailors from across the country. Enjoy a full day of nautical learning, networking and camaraderie...
Congratulations to the 2019 honoree, Pat Dieselman BoatUS/NWSA Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award The National Women’s Sailing Association (NWSA) honored Pat Dieselman of Ipswich, Massachusetts, with the 2019 BoatUS/NWSA Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award. The honor...
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