View this email in your browser Framework for 2023 National Women’s Sailing Conference at the Sail Newport, Saturday June 3, 2023 from 8 am – 5 pm. The event welcomes women sailors of all levels and ages to workshops including the popular Take the Helm...
Monday, November 7 2022 Adventure sailor Jeannie Zortman and lifelong cruiser, liveaboard and author, Rebecca Stirling are our special “Cruise” guests for an evening of story telling hosted by Debbie Hunstman. Jeannie shares her voyage to the far North on...
AdventureSail programming served many happy girls so far this year. Racine and Boston’s Courageous Sailing Center, both long-standing program hosts, kicked off the East Coast sailing season fun by hosting 41 girls. Later, in the first two weeks of August alone, 100...
Hosted by: Anne Bryant Storytellers: Daisy, Allyson and Stephanie Our young guests all have been grateful recipients of scholarships from raised donations of either the NWSA, The Butterfly Effect Project or Mattituk Yacht Club. If you would like to help the next...
On February 10, 2022 at the National Sailing Programs Symposium, in cooperation with US Sailing, WSF board member Capt. Marie Rogers presented “A Diversity Toolkit: Let’s All Go Sailing”. In this presentation, Rogers investigates reasons sailing...
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