Debora Abrams-Wright shares her “unicorn” existance and experiences as a black woman in the white world of sailing, pushing the boundries of race and gender.
Charlotte Kaufman, NWSA board member and founder of Women Who Sail on Facebook tells a Uncharted Waters, She Sailor Sea Story of her first sailing adventure and of falling in love.
In 2014, Tracy Edwards discovered that Maiden was abandoned in poor condition in a marina in the Indian Ocean.[10] She launched a successful public bid for funding to save the boat, with the intent to re-enact its Whitbread run before putting it in charitable use and...
Congratulations to the 2020 honoree, Margaret Pommert BoatUS/NWSA Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award Margaret Pommert of Seattle, WA, was named the 2020 BoatUS/National Women’s Sailing Association (NWSA) Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award recipient. The award...
May 20,2020 — Looking Up Robyn Lesh went sailing for the first time when she was six days old and never stopped. A wide variety of sailing experiences propelled Robyn to join the design team for American Magic. In her story, she retells a childhood sail with her...
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