She Sailor Sea Story “Oceans” Sept. 14 2023

She Sailor Sea Story “Oceans” Sept. 14 2023

On September 14, 2023, 3 ocean racers and adventurers joined our online community of women sailors to share their She Sailor Sea Stories! Our host is Debbie Huntsman (NWSA Vice President) and our guests, Yosh Han, Sheila McCurdy and Dr. Anne Kolker Yosh Han, is an...
She Sailor Sea Story Ocean Races

She Sailor Sea Story Ocean Races

She Sailor Sea Story “Ocean Races” September 14, 2023 with Sheila McCurdy, Anne Kolker, Yosh Han Each of these woman sailors have open ocean racing experiences, which will make this show exciting and interesting. Please join us. It’s free and...
Take The Helm: August 2023

Take The Helm: August 2023

August Brings Adventure AdventureSail® programming has already begun serving happy girls this summer. On August 12, AdventureSail Day will bring a discovery of sailing to the majority of girls through the program this year. Girls Coast to Coast will get a chance to...
Take The Helm: Issue June – July 2023

Take The Helm: Issue June – July 2023

View this email in your browser Welcome to summer sailing! The sailors attending the National Women’s Sailing Conference at Sail Newport, in Newport, Rhode Island expanded their community, reunited with old friends and strengthened existing ties, and had fun. On...