CHICAGO 2021 — Anchoring

The basics of anchoring, shown in an unusual way, to make it easy to see and understand how it all works. Premered at the Chicago NWSA conference on Septemeber 11, 2021.

Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award 2021 Honoree Marie Rogers

Enjoy the award ceremony for CAPT. Marie Rogers at Jackson Park Yacht Club on September 11, 2021 as recipient of the BoatUS / NWSA Leadership in Women’s Sailing Award. Although the Delta Variant of Covid 19 kept the in-person audience small, it was good fortune...

CHICAGO 2021 — Your Best boat

Picking your best boat is like picking a partner. There is a lot to consider and mistakes can be painful. On the other hand, a good choice can bring the owner great rewards. Speakers: Gail McCarthy Turluck and Captain Chiaka Patterson

CHICAGO 2021 — Sustainable Sailing

We all love our beautiful oceans, lakes and ponds and the amazing critters that inhabit them. Learn from a trio of professionals practical ways all of us can help protect and preserve the beauty and abundance found in our oceans. Speakers: Captain Rachael Zoe Miller,...

CHICAGO 2021 — Sharing Sailing (part 1 and 2)

Part One Enjoy a conversation with NWSA founder Doris Colgate, Margaret Pommert, Marie Rogers, Lynda Stephens and Debbie Huntsman as they discuss reasons behind their desire to share the joys of sailing. Part one of two from the 2021 National Women’s Sailing...