Fulfill an AdventureSail® Goal

After four years, the New Orleans AdventureSail® is blossoming into what our founders may have envisioned for the program. It is beginning to fulfill the goals; “To enrich the lives of America’s young at-risk girls through sailing, thus opening their eyes...

Choosing a compatible crewmate is crucial

By Linda Newland — reposted with permission from America’s Boating Club’s (US Power Squadron) quarterly magazine, The Ensign, Summer 2018) In summer 1982, I contracted to deliver an Olson 30 from Honolulu to San Francisco—my first skippered delivery. A...

You’ve come a long way baby.

Early Lessons from Sailing in a Male-Dominated World Linda Newland, past president, Women’s Sailing Foundation/National Women’s Sailing Association The 1960’s advertising slogan was a statement for empowering women. Like most other hobbies and businesses of the era,...

Find your voice

Getting On Board Now: Overcoming the Challenges of Learning to Sail and Earning Respect in a Traditionally Male-Dominated Field NWSA’s last blog post, “You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby,” explored the challenges and lessons of early sailing in a male-dominated field. The...

AdventureSail® mentoring and small wonders

Through the AdventureSail® program the National Women’s Sailing Association strives to establish mentor-ship that empowers girls to develop self-confidence, make positive life choices and introduce an awareness of opportunities involving marine related sciences and...