Tammara Airhart is a volunteer outreach coordinator for Challenged Sailors San Diego. Her story tells of her personal journey from the darkness of sudden blindness followed by job loss, to routinely rescuing other people with challenges brought on by loss of physical...
Jumping at the chance to work in Alaska, Elizabeth Hogan finds a wool hat in June, grabs gear and granola bars, embarks on a long flight north, then jumps aboard. She retells her experience aiding in the rescue of a large, entangled, wild animal. Hosted by Naomi...
Anne’s boats are works of high artisan craftsmanship. On a cold day a particularly sentimentally cherished, hand-built craft breaks away in high seas! OH! NO! Hosted by Naomi Emmerson, this is a tale of rescuing a family treasure.
Laura Howell’s father lived a life connected to the sea through work in the Coast Guard, then as an Alaskan fisherman, yet he could not understand Laura’s choice to live her life aboard a small sailboat while raising her young daughter alone. Her touching...
Marlene Sassaman’s began sailing in 1980. She is US Sailing Small Boat Instructor and a U.S. Coast Guard licensed captain. She served on the board of Melbourne Yacht Club and as their Youth Sailing Director. From 2008 to 2010 Sassaman was the captain of an all-women’s...
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