Sailing between waypoints successfully and without incident takes cooperation from all aboard. It’s a team effort. Let’s be teammates with our mutual love of attracting more women and girls to the sport and recreation of sailing. 

3.6K email subscribers, 33K Facebook reach, 2.8K followers and 2.3K likes, Youtube 18K minutes of watch time and 5.7K views

Why partner With NWSA?

By sponsoring NWSA’s Annual Conference, you are contributing to the success of our organization’s 30 plus years of continued efforts to support women on their path to excellence in the sport of sailing. As a valued partner, NWSA hopes to offer YOU targeted exposure for your products and services to a captive, enthusiastic and engaged audience. 

Our Annual Conference supports our mission to provide educational offerings, both in person and online to form community building platforms for women sailors across North America. At this full day in-person, on-the-water and in classroom event, we anticipate the attendance to be 200+ women sailors. Registration opens in March 2025. 

More information about 2025 Conference Sponsorship Benefits will be available soon
Three spinnaker boats at 2019 WOWaZr!

Questions? We’re Here To Help!

NWSA Thanks You!

We can’t do this without the generous support of our membership and our sponsors. Thank you to all of you!



(985) 247-8919

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