National Women's Sailing Association


Sailing between waypoints successfully and without incident takes cooperation from all aboard. It’s a team effort. Let’s be teammates with our mutual love of attracting more women and girls to the sport and recreation of sailing. 

Why Partner with NWSA

In partnering with NWSA, you are demonstrating your support for women in the sport, recreation and education of sailing. Your brand will gain exposure to a growing demographic of sailing enthusiasts while your financial support will provide much needed funds to keep the many programs NWSA has to offer as well as help us grow and expand more programs to reach untapped regions and demographics across the country.

Your continued, annual contributions will aid in the success of our organization’s 30 plus years of continued efforts to support women on their path to excellence in the sport of sailing. As a valued partner, NWSA hopes to offer YOU targeted exposure for your products and services to a captive, enthusiastic and engaged audience.