National Women's Sailing Association - Celebrating 35 years


Sailing between waypoints successfully and without incident takes cooperation from all aboard. It’s a team effort. Let’s be teammates with our mutual love of attracting more women and girls to the sport and recreation of sailing. 


The National Sailing Association (NWSA) is a non-profit organization that relies on a dedicated volunteer Board of Directors to ensure its smooth operation and the continuation of its programs. Over the past three and a half decades, driven by their shared passion for promoting sailing among both experienced and novice female sailors, these volunteers have successfully navigated the organization’s evolution from its inception in the 1990s. From the early days when Hall-of-Famer Doris Colgate inspired programs like AdventureSail, the board members have consistently demonstrated their expertise and commitment by pooling their talents to adapt and thrive in the digital age.

Why Partner with NWSA

In partnering with NWSA, you are demonstrating your support for women in the sport, recreation and education of sailing. Your brand will gain exposure to a growing demographic of sailing enthusiasts while your financial support will provide much needed funds to keep the many programs NWSA has to offer as well as help us grow and expand more programs to reach untapped regions and demographics across the country.

Your continued, annual contributions will aid in the success of our organization’s 30 plus years of continued efforts to support women on their path to excellence in the sport of sailing. As a valued partner, NWSA hopes to offer YOU targeted exposure for your products and services to a captive, enthusiastic and engaged audience.


By sponsoring NWSA’s Annual Conference, you are contributing to the success of our organization’s 35 years of continued efforts to support women on their path to excellence in the sport of sailing. As a valued partner, NWSA hopes to offers your company targeted exposure for your products and services to a captive, enthusiastic and engaged audience. Our Annual Conference supports our mission to provide educational offerings, both in person and online to form community building platforms for women sailors across North America. At the event, which includes over 30 in-person, on-the-water and in-classroom activities, we anticipate the attendance to be over 200 women sailors and instructors at the 2025 expanded conference June 6 - 8 in St. Petersburg, Florida. Registration opens March 1, 2025.

2025 Sponsorship Benefits

Click here for more info


NWSA has the goal to expand our scholarships and education offerings. We would love to reach more women sailors and change the lives of more young girls  Educational programs that we have hosted in the past like the International Safety at Sea program, in-person Diesel Workshops, Marine Electrical Workshops, L.A.S.T program, have been very successful and have met a demand for this kind of service.

We need your help to revive these programs after the financial strain we experienced due to circumstances since the 2020 lockdowns.

Your financial support will also provide much needed capital for the preliminary planning months and expenses involved in preparing for the Annual Women’s Sailing conferences.

Your financial support will also help us maintain the many, albeit modest, operational costs such as web hosting, marketing, book-keeping etc. It’s not the glamorous part of support but it is an absolute necessity!


If you have browsed our website, or received our e-newsletter, or followed us on social media, you can imagine your logo, you services, your brand side by side with our content! We work with you what your desires and needs are and how best to represent you in response to your support of NWSA. Ways you will be visible to our audience:

Your Logo / Name  (hyperlinked) on our website (homepage and other relevant pages)
Your Logo / Name placed in our e-newsletter as thanks to our sponsor
Your social media posts shared with our audience
Our social posts specifically mentioning your support and linking to your brand page, products or services
At the Annual Conference, your marketing materials prominently displayed with mention, logos and more. See list of 2025 Conference benefits above.

Questions? We’re Here To Help!

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NWSA Thanks You!

We can’t do this without the generous support of our membership and our sponsors. Thank you to all of you!