Live aboard sailor, Laura Howell, tells the April 29 winning She Sailor Sea Story, a tribite to her anchor: strong, reliable and a replacement for the...
A new outboard mount and insufficient tongue weight combine to push Deedy Payne’s new boat into a violent fishtail. The pitfalls of trailering lead to a charter and a new boat in a...
18th NWSA Women’s Sailing Conference A day of workshops and on-the-water instructionCorinthian Yacht Club — Marblehead, MASaturday, June 1, 2019 Join other women sailors from across the country. Enjoy a full day of nautical learning, networking and camaraderie...
Although this poem is not precisely sailing related, I feel compelled to share its beauty. Probably a decade ago, a friend of mine sent me the poem by Pat Nielsen, who was a dear friend of hers who I recall had just passed away, losing her battle with breast cancer. I...
Top 10 lists are everywhere these days, and they admittedly can get a little silly. But, I recently stumbled across a top 100+ list called “Why it’s great to be a sailor”, and just had to share it. The first one made me smile …. “seeing...
NWSA Annual Meeting; Partnership with US SAILING September 2002 Sue Corl, Lisa Chandler, Myrna Farquhar, Emma Richards (in teal), Susan Lee, Val Cook, Joan Thayer and Liz Garvin Giving a warm send off to Emma Richards as she enters the Around Alone race. NWSA Annual...
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